Pidgeon is ready & able to give a presentation to you and your group!

Pidgeon is ready & able to give a presentation to you and your group!
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“They Didn’t Know We Were Seeds” poster - free download of graphic I designed in honor & support of Gaza
interACT’s Instagram - Be sure to check out the link in their bio! It’s chock full of the latest and greatest resources.
interACT’s Free Resources - Featuring the amazing “What We Wish” brochure series by intersex youth. There’s also resources for intersex people and their families and medical providers.
Intersex 101: a guide to understanding the basics of intersex zine by Banti Jaswal - Banti is a youth member of interACT (Advocates for Intersex Youth), queer, non-binary, intersex person, and artist. This is a free download.
IJP’s How to Organize an #EndIntersexSurgery Toolkit - how to organize an #EndIntersexSurgery protest in your city
IJP’s #EndIntersexSurgery posters with printing and wheat pasting tutorial
Ally Do’s and Don’t by Inter/Act - The most important tips for all allies, as well as medical allies specifically.
Supporting Intersex Employees by Inter/Act - You have intersex employees in your work force. Congratulations! Here’s how to support them.
Talking About Intersex on Social Media, Hashtag and Language Guide
Intersex Affirming Hospital Policies by interACT and Lambda Legal - Providing Ethical and Compassionate Health Care to Intersex Patients
“I Want to Be Like Nature Made Me” Medically Unnecessary Surgeries on Intersex Children in the US - A report by Human Rights Watch in collaboration with Inter/Act
A Changing Paradigm: US Medical Provider Discomfort with Intersex Care Practices - A follow-up report by Human Rights Watch in collaboration with Inter/Act
Supporting Intersex Students: A Resource for Students, Families, and Educators - Guidance on supporting intersex students U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.
I am Intersex (animated video) - ILGA & Buzzfeed LGBT hired Antimatter Studio to produce this short and poignant video meant for parents of intersex babies. Voice over by me!
A Normal Girl (short film) - This short documentary brings the widely unknown struggles of intersex people to light through my story as an intersex activist.
Intersexions (feature doc) - In this groundbreaking documentary, intersex individuals reveal the secrets of their unconventional lives – and how they have navigated their way through this strictly male/female world, when they fit somewhere in between. (free version also exists on YouTube & Tubi)
interACT: Advocates for Intersex Youth - interACT uses innovative legal and other strategies, to advocate for the human rights of children born with intersex traits. Be sure to check out their vast resource section.
OII - Organization Intersex International. OII is a decentralized global network of intersex organizations
intersex justice project - Intersex Justice Project works to end invasive and unnecessary surgeries on intersex youth by empowering intersex people of color as change-makers.
the interface project - series of videos communicating the lived experiences of various intersex people.
InterConnect Support Group - a compassionate community of intersex individuals, family members, and trusted allies working together to promote a better quality of life through connection, support and education.
iSpace - iSpace is a peer support group and resource BY and FOR for intersex people under 30. All intersex variations, genders, sexualities, backgrounds, and locations are welcome!
Hermaphrodites and the Medical Invention of Sex - Alice Dreger takes us inside the doctors' chambers to see how and why medical and scientific men constructed sex, gender, and sexuality as they did, and especially how the material conformation of hermaphroditic bodies--when combined with social exigencies--forced peculiar constructions.
Lessons from the Intersexed - Suzanne J. Kessler Kessler's interviews with pediatric surgeons and endocrinologists reveal how the intersex condition is normalized for parents and she argues that the way in which intersexuality is managed by the medical and psychological professions displays our culture's beliefs about gender and genitals.
Fixing Sex: Intersex, Medical Authority, and Lived Experience - Katrina Karkazis Katrina Karkazis offers a nuanced, compassionate picture of these charged issues in Fixing Sex, the first book to examine contemporary controversies over the medical management of intersexuality in the United States from the multiple perspectives of those most intimately involved.
Sex Education: Intersex and Sexuality Education - Entire issue dedicated to intersex and sex education
Intersex Bodies in Sexuality Education: On the Edge of Cultural Difference - The Palgrave Handbook of Sexuality Education (Australian)
Teaching Intersex Issues: A Guide for Teachers in Women’s, Gender and Queer Studies - Emi Koyama & Dr. Lisa Weasal for ISNA
With Pleasure: A View Of Whole Sexual Anatomy For Every Body - Scarleteen